3 Ways To Deepen Your Anti-Racist Work

The past year has been sorrowfully saturated with evidence that we have some serious work and healing to do around race in America. We have come face-to-face with deeply seeded generational truths. Left unattended and festering in the dark recesses of our nation’s conscious, our past has spilled over, soiling our present. Our future depends on the extent to which we hold, honor, and heal from the pain of existing within a racist society.
For many of us, we are experiencing this gut feeling that we have got to do something. Deep down we are certain that something has got to change if any of us are going to survive. Beyond our feelings, we may have realized that our bodies are sending us a clear message. On a very basic and human, what many of us know to be true is that it is time. It is time for us to audaciously and truthfully confront race head on.
Confronting race, in any meaningful way, warrants that we commit to the on-going process of anti-racist work. Whether you are just beginning or moving further into your personal journey of anti-racist work, here are 3 upcoming and interactive ways for you to deepen your experience:
March 6
Sustaining the Awakening: Moving from Racial Revelation to Embodied Action
This three-hour workshop invites white people to pause and peer into the various ways their bodies have been conditioned to sustain oppression, from how they have bypassed the grief of their own lost humanity and the pain their indifference has caused to how being “colorblind” has taught them to disbelieve what their own eyes see.
For white people who have recently woken up to a deeper understanding of systemic racism, this workshop provides a starting point for healing from somatic dislocations and embodying an antiracist identity that is integrated, fierce, and sustainable.

March 13 & April 10
Step into a held space with Kait Hatch and S. Rae Peoples to explore our personal and collective location to racism and colonialism. This is a two-part workshop:
Session I (March 13) — Colonialism, Racism, and You: Let’s Dive In
Session I will allow participants to receive a culturally contextual framework around the subject of racism as it relates to colonialism and decolonialism.
Session II (April 10) — Decolonialism, Racism, and You: A Deeper Dive
Building upon the first workshop, Session II takes a deeper look into the notions of our individual location to colonialism and racism. The workshop offers participants a space to contemplate, question, and create ways in which they can counter racism both within their personal and cultural context.

If any of these points of engagements resonate with you, step into the space! All a welcome. Everyone is held. No one is coddled. Let’s get to work.